Seattle Sport Sciences, Inc. is seeking international clubs as partners for the field testing and pilot program of its revolutionary new ISOTechne® platform.
Clubs and organizations can now integrate technology that measures the skills of individual players. By introducing ISOTechne Skill Analytics to their training, clubs can gain or maintain premier positions in their leagues by going beyond the rudimentary video and GPS technologies that are limited to physiological aspects and post-game performance analysis. By adopting the ISOTechne platform with the ISOTechne® 2Victa® Training System, training programs can ensure objective data collection and measurable development of players and teams.
The ISOTechne platform is comprehensive training technology that provides skill analytics to the soccer world for the very first time. Partnering the reliable, innovative equipment of the ISOTechne 2Victa Training System with the powerful but easy-to-use ISOTechne platform software is the ideal solution for organizations of all sizes. Custom-tailored subscription packages ensure that your club gets exactly what it needs to measure the growth and development of individual players, as well as between and among groups of players. The repeatable and measurable insights provided by the ISOTechne platform means managers, trainers and coaches can finally bring their game into the 21st century.
“After nearly a decade of product development, successful sales of predecessor products in more than 26 countries, and satisfied customers ranging from premier clubs to academy programs, the ISOTechne platform offers cloud-computing capabilities to measure, analyze and affect performance,” stated Jeff Alger, President and CEO of Seattle Sport Sciences. “Because we customize the ISOTechne platform to integrate with your club’s specific training practices, programs and methodologies, each installation is unique. As such, we seek organizations that are interested in collaborating with us in the use of the most innovative technology in soccer.”
If your organization is interested in testing the new ISOTechne platform, please contact Jeff Alger, President and CEO, Seattle Sport Sciences at +1 425-939-0015 or at
Seattle Sport Sciences, Inc.
Center for Innovation and Skill Analytics
15320 NE 92nd Street | Redmond WA 98052
+1 (425) 939-0015
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